- +2348035283596
- +2348052935379
- info@j3hub.com
- Mon - Sat 8:00 - 05:00, Sunday - CLOSED
J3 HUB Engineering Services Limited is an indigenous Engineering and Health, Safety and Environment Consultancy Company domiciled in Lagos, Nigeria. We provide engineering solutions, Technical Training, Recruitment & Outsourcing and HSE consultancy services to organizations across different industries. As trusted advisors, we partner with organizations to create safer workplaces and ensure regulatory compliance giving the stake-holders piece of mind that they are legally compliant with health and safety/ fire safety legislation.
J3 HUB Engineering Services Limited takes immense pride in delivering unparalleled consultancy and engineering solutions that seamlessly align with mandated standards for Fire Safety, HSE-MS (Health, Safety, and Environment Management System), Technical & Process Safety, and Security Risk Mitigation. Our highly skilled team of experts is wholly dedicated to ensuring that projects not only meet but exceed the essential compliance measures. Our training approach include: Classroom training, On-line training Self-paced online courses, On-the-job (Hands-on) training & Simulation-based training. We constantly seek to address the skill gaps and provide technical solutions to all our clients
Our highly skilled team of experts is wholly dedicated to ensuring that projects not only meet but exceed the essential compliance measures.
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Co Founder
Mollit anim laborum.Dvcuis aute iruxvfg dhjkolohr in re voluptate velit esscillumlore eu quife nrulla parihatur. Excghcepteur sfwsignjnt occa cupidatat non aute iruxvfg dhjinulpadeserunt mollitemnth incididbnt ut;o5tu layjobore mofllit anim. Mollit anim laborum.Dvcuis aute iruxvfg dhjkolohr in re voluptate velit esscillumlore eu quife nrulla parihatur. Excghcepteur sfwsignjn.
Co Founder